On-Air Discussion of WordPress Benefits

On-Air Discussion of WordPress Benefits

WordPress, the open source website building platform, blends ease of use with power. As a flexible, scalable platform, it meets the needs of beginning bloggers through complex enterprise level websites. Reflecting the open source code ethos, the WordPress community freely shares expertise for the mutual goal of improving website experiences. These are some of the benefits of using WordPress discussed during a recent panel discussion on WVXU’s Cincinnati Edition radio show which highlighted the benefits of “Ubiquitous WordPress.” We invite you to listen to insights regarding how WordPress can be used to execute Inbound Marketing Strategy.

Patrick McGilvray, Marce Epstein, and Aaron Forgue speaking with Mark Heyne about Inbound Marketing Strategy and WordPress on WVXU.

Proud to Sponsor WordCamp Cincinnati 2016

Proud to Sponsor WordCamp Cincinnati 2016

Talking Shop with Content Aficionados

Talking Shop with Content Aficionados